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Duncan Hines, Frank's Red Hot, Limoncello Productions, Warwick Hotels, Wish-Bone, Smart Balance, Hellmann's, Country Crock, Wheat Thins, Jenkins Culinary Resources, Ragu, Monaco Hotels, Birds Eye, Hunter Public Relations, Ritz, French's, Chips Ahoy, OREO, Triscuit, Kimpton Hotels, the Kimberly Hotel, TIMEX, Pepperidge Farm, Pepsico Brands, All Recipes.com, Taste of Home, Better Homes & Gardens, Handmade-TV, Baileys, Gatorade, Aquafina, Mrs. Paul's Seafood, Tropicana, Lipton, Wine Enthusiast, Kraft, Jolly-Time, Gevalia, Nabisco, B-TRU Marketing, Smirnoff, Captain Morgan's, Starbucks, the Farmer's Cow, Kashi, Gevalia, Nilla Cookies, Wine Enthusiast Magazine, Taconic Hotel VT, Vlaasic, Boulder Brands